Improve your health

Improve your health

With varying activities throughout our park, all areas of the body are excercised through bounce. Take a look at some of the key benefits below.

Not only does improved circulation pump clean oxygen into your brain, making you feel more alert, but also the physical activity you perform whilst trampolining will make you feel happier, more positive, and even more self-confident.

Endorphins, the positive mood-enhancing natural chemicals released by all exercise including jogging, cycling  are triggered by trampolining; but, added to this, the sheer fun factor of jumping up and down will make you smile, make you laugh, make you feel really happy.

It’s unavoidable:  it’s hard to feel blue when you’re bouncing.

It’s excellent exercise for those who have been sedentary and are starting an exercise programme.

  • Stimulates your metabolism
  • Increases oxygen capacity.
  • Improves your sense of balance.
  • Increases oxygen circulation to tissues.
  • Stimulates your metabolism
  • Increases oxygen capacity.
  • Improves your sense of balance.
  • Increases oxygen circulation to tissues.

Using the trampoline takes up to 80% off the stress of your weight-bearing joints. Using a trampoline is a wonderful option for seniors, physically-challenged, those recuperating from accidents or injuries.

Bouncing on a trampoline has been shown in test to be three times more beneficial to you than running. So a ten minute bounce is the same as a half hour run!

Exercise can be helpful in building and maintaining strong bones. Exercise that forces you to work against gravity – so called weight bearing exercises such as walking or jogging.

Most of all though it makes you smile, laugh and is great FUN! This has proven health benefits in itself as it generally means that you keep doing it if you enjoy it.